Friday, April 15, 2016

Staying In Love...

We all hope for that dream guy, the one that we had been waiting for our whole lives...A few of those find that guy, and few of us find the guy that we thought would never be that guy but ends up being exactly what we needed and makes us very happy too.

My husband I have known for 6 years before I married him and we were best friends. He knew my ex husband. My now husband and love of my life and I had always been closer and connected on a level that I never dreamed possible. I knew when I finially agreed to date him, I knew I would marry him. I am truly blessed. He is my complete opposite in so may way, its it crazy. I am very head strong (I grew up tough and never had an easy life-I'm not a procrastinator and I worry constantly and I have a "go-getter" attitude) and he is the opposite. He is the yen to my yang. I never thought I would have this life with him, and he drives me NUTS! I honestly wouldnt have it any other way. Those who say you never day dream about someone else, or wonder what it would be life, your lying to yourself. We all do it, but we all know, what we have with our significant other, that is is and never was easy. I ask every person I know that has been maried for over 25 years "what is the secret?" Most answers are "pick your battles" "there will be rough spots, there might be a couple bad years, but in the end, its worth it".

Its hard to stay in love, especially if your new parents and trying to make a career and still trying to keep your marriage. There are moments/days I just want to scream at him, however he makes me the happiest in life. I know I take him for granted sometimes. The man knows my flaws and still chooses to wake up next to me and not poison my coffee ( he also knows to make sure and make me coffee if he beats me waking up).

I think that is the key. Its knowing the good with the bad, and knowing that person feels the same way.

I started watching this show called "Catastrophe" from Amazon, and its true. (which is where this blog as been stimulated from). How do we all stay in love? What happened that made our grandparents stick with each other, and this day and age we are so quick to say goodbye and I don't love you anymore. I divorced the first time for the right reasons. However, I would never divorce this guy, I made a promise to love him no matter what (even when its hard).

My ex-M.I.L stayed with her husband, after he cheated on her, she took care of him when he got cancer, and loved him up until the end and he passed. Now she is dating a guy, but has no intention on marrying him. I always wonder, what made her stay. Why did she choose to still be with him, though she could walk away (she had kids with him, but we all know that she would have gotten for child support and probably alimony). But she stayed... I think it takes a strong woman. I hope I never have to find out if I would have to make that choice, but you cant help but wonder "what would I choose".

Some say staying in love is : have dates once a week, make time for each other, be forgiving, always be supportive.

What would your response be? or are you still looking for the one?

I am by far not perfect, my best advice is: admit when your wrong (it takes a strong person to do it) and know how to forgive (even if they dont say they are sorry- which is my hardest fault)

Also, never stay with a man who hits you. Or calls you fat, or threatens to cheat on you. Your husband/wife needs to be there for you too.

I find it hard to balance being a mother, a woman who works, and being a wife. I admit being a wife if third on my life, not that I do it on purpose, just that I forget. I honestly do. I hardly have time to myself even. I'm getting better, and I'm trying to show how thankful I am for him. Its just hard. I see friends who constantly say "have a date night once a week".my response "in what reality does that really work?" "I'm glad your able to do that, but I dont get the same chances". So I got a new job to help me with that (and it is a better opportunity for my career-and a nice enviorment). I have to make the change. I may not always "be in love", but I do always "love". You cant always be in love, but you stil; have to be able to love when the "romance" is gone, but never sop trying.

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